Harry P. Guy Headstone
a beautiful fall Saturday, October 11, the pioneering Detroit ragtime
pianist and composer Harry P. Guy received a headstone for his
grave at Elmwood Cemetery.
processional led by the Gabriel Traditional New Orleans Jazz
Band took us to the gravesite, where prayers and singing followed. The
Rev. Canon Saundra D. Richardson officiated, Barbara and Ken Cox from
the Societie of the Culturally Concerned and Nan Bostic from
the Rag-Time Ephemeralist told us more about the significance of the
former Minister of Music at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. Afterwards
there was music and food at Bert's on Broadway, including ragtime piano
by Mike Montgomery and Taslimah Bey.
It was a wonderfully paced day in memory and celebration
of an overlooked music-maker, and I felt privileged to have been able
to attend.